PART I - THE PLANUCLA Health’s Toluca Lake MPTF health center offers primary care, specialty care, and urgent care services. Restated 1993 Trust Agreement (Inclusive of Amendments I through CXIV) Table of Contents. Download Now.California Residents BENEFIT TYPE One Person Two Three + Participants One Participant Two Participants Three + Participants Residents Outside of California CORE: Hospital, medical and prescription drug coverage onlyRev. If you DO NEED TO MAKE CHANGES to your health coverage: Then download, complete and return the Benefit Selection Form by July 21, 2023.

If you DO NOT NEED TO MAKE CHANGES to your health coverage: Then you do not need to take further action as your current coverage will remain in effect. The fund is primarily supported by employer contributions and provides pension benefits and health insurance cover Enrollment. What is the Motion Picture Industry Pension & Health Plan? The Motion Picture Industry Pension & Health Plan (“MPIPHP”) is a healthcare trust fund established through an agreement (called the “Non-Affiliate Agreement”) between the PGA’s early leadership and the AMPTP. In March 2020, the Board of Directors of the Motion Picture Industry Individual Account Plan (“IAP”) approved a one-time special early withdrawal of an elected amount of need up to 20% of a Participant’s 2018 IAP account balance not to exceed a maximum dollar limit of $20,000.1. Please see MPIPHP’s Delinquency Procedure Update for 2022 located on the Plan’s website for reference.STEP 1 Learn About the Benefit. Studio City, CA.The Motion Picture Industry Pension & Health Plans (MPIPHP or Plan) has announced that it will deploy a new software platform for the reporting, tracking and payment of MPIPHP contributions starting on or about January 1, 2022. External link for Motion Picture Industry Pension & Health Plans. Click on the Sign button and make an electronic signature.Website. Add the date to the record using the Date function. Ensure that the data you fill in Mpiphp Org Forms is up-to-date and accurate.

Activate the Wizard mode in the top toolbar to acquire additional tips. Click on the orange Get Form option to begin filling out.